Elevate Your Innovation with Strategic R&D Tax Planning
Discover how our R&D tax experts can help your business claim the financial rewards of your research efforts.

Tax Savings
Free Assessment
Expert Advice
£174 Million Claimed
£12k Average Claim
Considering whether Research and Development applies to your business or looking for someone to make your claim? Get in touch for a free assessment.
Our Research and Development Tax expert, Linda, is encouraging more and more business owners to explore the questions about entitlement to claim for research and development in their businesses, which can go back three years and you can receive a refund on corporation tax already paid.
If it is coming up to your year-end, when you analyse the figures and expenditure in specific areas of your business this is the ideal time to speak to someone with a trained eye, and specialist knowledge about R and D and what qualifying costs categories are involved that you can make a claim.
We could help you identify where your business qualifies for a claim or reduction in your corporation tax, where you have invested time and money in research and development.
Whether it involves staffing costs, outsourcing costs, prototypes and utility costs relating to development work, you may be eligible. You can reclaim up to 33p for every £1 of qualifying expenditure, so why not find out if you qualify, and make your claim by simply getting in touch with us today.
It could make a significant difference to your business plan for your next financial year. Let us assess your business situation, you don’t know if you qualify unless you ask the question.